Firstly : i don’t understand why people create viruses, really, i may understand clever hacker attacks, tricks of various nature, but viruses and worms not really. my systems at home are safe at least , i always have an antivirus on in the background that i update often and when there’s something suspect downloaded i delete at all. Now the other day i was on this web development project and suddely saw a web error “server busy too many users” at first i said wow amazing (considering that IIS on Win2000 Pro says has a limit of 10 users it could be a success since there was just me and another person on this intranet working on it…) instead looking

at log files i saw traces of the infamous Code Red II worm, disconnected from network and cleaned up, now at home i’m looking at logs of my tiny webserver, where i develop what you see and spotted again traces of attacks in the same form,and that makes me think, cause i figured out that attacks were likely on people using cable modem or permanent/flat connection, not just poor dial up stuff… anyway i raised up my defences… btw if you’re interested and have a web server, the log trace is something like this :






