family talk part II

with an apparently seamless link from previous post i met today a friend of mine i almost lost touch with, we’ve been school buddies since high school and then to college , well he’s with his young baby and his wife and recently moved to a new job closer to home, without having to commute every day, maybe not so exciting as in a big city , but according to what he said, quality of life got much better. Instead i still commute (and waste?) for something slightly more than 3 hours a day, i like my job and i’m single.
Now, there’d be many choices in life, some of them explicit, for others you can’t really evaluate the effects, and now i just done watching The Family Man and that’s exactly what i mean. The story should make think, about the big decision if we’d be given the chance to compare our existing life, what’s really important that we do have there ? and how in many cases we lead to choices that made ourselves, as i was saying yesterday living ,a life more individually focussed, is it worth ? is there a second chance ?