dual language / dual protocol / dual everything

i’m quite flattered by having a post o’ mine linked by a smart and interesting italian weblogmistress (not to mention her remark on my eye 😉 her weblog is in italian, so am i, then why i’m loggin in english? and thus creating some uhm unlinear links (i don’t know what it means but it sounds good) well, this whole site is in english, so for the sake of coherence the weblog follows.Then english is basically like latin in middle age, so it’s universal and if you know italian there’s some chance that you may grasp a little english too, not necessarily true for the other way round. To a deeper level i can feel confortable writing in english, kinda like a shelter using a filter to put view things from a distance but on the other side there’s to say that a foreign language can also be a limitation : i’d be more spontaneous or complex or whatever using my native language… so what i’d do ? post a dual language blog ? mix both languages ? not surely translate.

Translation in most cases make things just funny but not always funny in the way you’d like’em to be. on two languages maybe it’s better creating different stuff, so i did with a recent project that saw the light today, the italian website for www.reuters.it (indeed it’s 11PM and i’m at home doing last minute fix on it via remote access… see i’m a desperate case and i’m not a netslave and it’s not my boss who forced me to do … ah coming back to the talk of dual language , a sentence on the guide to an appraisal form in this case just fits well: “Accomplishes goals while maintaning appropriate work/life balance / Persegue gli obiettivi mantenendo in giusto equilibrio la propria vita e il lavoro”… ain’t it funny ?, ok now with some gazillion bucks salary increase i’d try to compete with Steve Ballmer (well, not really)